Results for the Turriff Show 2019 Show.

(to be judged on the Monday)
Entry Money - Members £4, Non-members £8 per Entry. Free entry for foals.
Prize Money: 1st £40; 2nd £30; 3rd £20; 4th £15; 5th £10; 6th £5
99. Mare with foal at foot.
100. Foal, Colt or Filly.
101. Mare, yeld, 3 years old and over.
102. Filly, 1 year old.
103. Filly, 2 years old.
104. Gelding, 3 years and over.
105. Colt or Gelding, 1 & 2 years old.
106. Young Handlers Class.
An engraved medal is presented by the Clydesdale Horse Society to the best young handler aged 12 to 16 on the day of the Show who has not already qualified. That person will receive a Young Qualifier Rosette on the day of the show. The capabilities of the handler are to be assessed, not the animal being led. The Qualifiers from eligible shows in the period 1st May 2018-30th April 2019 will be eligible to compete in the final at the Royal Highland Show 2019. Qualifiers from the period 1st May 2019-30th April 2020 will qualify for the finals at the Royal Highland Show in 2020. The Young Handler scheme and The Young Handler final are generously sponsored by the James Bennett Fund.
107. Ridden Class for Pure Bred Registered Clydesdales or those eligible for registration.
Bidwells Ridden Clydesdale Series.
This class is to be judged as a Ridden Hunter Class. This class is a qualifier for the Bidwells Ridden Clydesdale Championships to be held at Blair Catle International Horse Trials and Country Fair on Sunday, 25th August, 2019. The first two in each class to qualify. Qualification may go down to fourth place if horses placed 1st and 2nd have previously qualified. Registered Clydesdales and those eligible for registration may qualify and enter for the championship.
108. Best Cleaned Harness.
109. Best Decorated Harness.

CHAMPION PRIZE - A Champion Medal will be presented by the Association for the Best Animal in the Clydesdale Horse Section.
The Association presents a Perpetual Cup to the Champion in this Section.
The Association presents £50 to the exhibitor of the Champion Animal.
Ardmore Distillery presents a bottle of Teacher's Highland Cream in a presentation carton to the Champion in this Section.
£50 presented by Enlim (Scotland) Ltd to Champion Clydesdale and £25 to Reserve.
Norvite present vouchers to the value of £30 to the Champion and £15 for Reserve.
Challenge Trophy presented by the late J. Clark, Maybank, for Best Clydesdale Horse, any age or sex, bred by Exhibitor.
Clydesdale Horse Society Shield - A Shield (which will be supplied and engraved by the Clydesdale Horse Society) will be awarded to the Best Yearling oe Two-year-old Colt or Filly registered or eligible for registration with the Society, and not having won a shield in its lifetime.The exhibitor must be a current member of the Clydesdale Horse Society.
Peter F. McKilligin Memorial Perpetual Trophy - For the best Turn-out in the Clydesdale Horse and Harness Section.
Perpetual Medal won in 1882 and represented by R. F. Duncan, Sydney,Australia for Best Clydesdale Filly.
Perpetual Trophy in memory of Barry Holliday, South Burnhead, St. Fergus for best first time exhibitor.
Stuart & Mary Mair Memorial Trophy for Most Points in Cattle, Sheep and Clydesdale Horse Sections.
The Sleigh family present a Perpetual Trophy in memory of Harry Sleigh, St.John's Wells, Fyvie for Champion of Champions (Cattle, Sheep, Clydesdale Horses. Sunday's Horse & Pony Champions are also invited to come forward).
James Milne, Chartered Accountants present £300 to the Champion of Champions.
Deveron Veterinary Surgeons present a Perpetual Trophy for Reserve Champion of Champions
Harbro Ltd, present Vouchers to the value of £100 to the Reserve Champion of Champions.Champions.